
Jason Jarvis has been on both sides of the automotive fence. As well as running retail dealerships, he has been General Manager of the New Zealand distributorship of an International motor vehicle brand, with over 40 sales and service centres nationwide.

As a motor vehicle distributor, you have a responsibility to your dealerships to bring together best practice and resources, in addition to providing them all with product and brand support.

JMIS provides a raft of independent services to distributors that allow you to best support and guide your dealership network, as well as having the ability to pin-point and assess areas of weakness and opportunity.

Each of these services helps make a measurable impact on each of the elements of the JARVIS Motor Industry Services Wheel , which in turn improves the overall performance and profitability of your dealer network.

Mystery Shopping

Mystery shopping is the first step all successful distributors take to see and measure where each of their individual dealerships is at ‘as of today’

Effective Mystery shopping measures all elements of a customer or potential customer’s dealership experience from the website through to the final vehicle handover.

  • JMIS will provide a dedicated report on individual dealerships that addresses the distributor’s areas of concern, as well as pinpointing areas of excellence and opportunity through the eyes of the Mystery shopper.
  • Allows you and your dealerships to understand how and where improvements can be made. Appropriate processes can then be refined, and staff can be trained. The goal to provide the best possible experience to customers and prospects.
  • All our Mystery shopper reports are customised to suit the requirements of the distributor and to ensure that the correct information is discovered first time.

Customer Focus Groups

Successful Customer Focus Groups achieve two outcomes:

  1. You discover what customers actually think and feel about your products and brand (not what you think they feel)
  2. You learn new and valuable insights that help you adjust and refine your approaches to marketing, selling and servicing vehicles throughout your network.
  • JMIS will help you find out what drives customers to your brand and what it takes to maintain their loyalty.
  • Focus groups can be hosted in at individual dealerships using an independent JMIS facilitator working to a customised session outline. We also welcome the involvement of dealer and distributor team members. This can help bring sessions alive and ensure the focus stays where you want it to be.
  • A report is provided after each session that captures the key quotes and out takes, keeping it real and actionable.
  • All our Customer Focus Groups are customised to suit the requirements of the distributor. We ensure that the correct information and customer feedback is uncovered so it can be acted on as required.
New Model Launches

Distributors typically do a great job launching new models. Where a new model launch can fall down is in the interpretation and execution of those launches at the local or dealership level.

It is critical that dealership sales teams focus on the brand’s points of difference, and deliver dealership launches and events in a style and manner that is consistent with your brand’s positioning and ‘tone of voice’. This is an art and an opportunity to build new relationships and create sales that should not be left to chance.

JMIS listens to your requirements and designs new model training for your dealership teams, which is both motivating and ‘on brand’. Showing them and inspiring them to be at their best, and enabling your important new models to ‘hit the ground running’.

With our 30 years of experience in this area, we can suggest new and different approaches to distributors when it comes to New Model Launches. We will keep the exercises fresh and provide you with more effective use of launch funds and time.